Saturday 17 November 2012

PARIS 5th-12th NOVEMBER - Part 2

Just to explain the delay in posting these recent blogs. First – most blogs are delayed for 3 reasons. First, most of our hotels have ‘free’ wi-fi but are as slow as buggery. Second, the photos are high def and take an age to upload. The third reason is the most honest – we’re having way too much fun and I’m not spending a whole lot of time on this blog.

Of course, sometimes we are just too busy to write a blog!!

Our son and daughter-in-law joined us in Paris for a few days. They live in Southampton but flew over to join us and we had a great time.

The main purpose and timing of the visit was for them to join us in a trip to the Moulin Rouge Theater for a show.

Unfortunately we were not allowed photos inside and had to make do with a couple of sneaky shots instead.

Our main activity outside of eating and drinking and just letting Australia down by our behaviour was to visit yet more of the many sights of Paris, not least Notre Dame Cathedral. This is one of the world’s finest examples of Gothic architecture and absolutely beautiful to see.

We also paid a visit to the more modern area of Paris and saw the ‘Cube’; this is the more recent Grand Arch addition to the Paris skyline.

The structure is in alignment with the Arch de Triumph and the Arch can just be defined in the distance down the Champes Elise

From there we went with Shane and Anna to dinner and then saw them off on their coach to the airport before we returned to our hotel to pack for the next leg of our trip to England; first stop Eastbourne and our eldest daughter Jacqueline and grand-daughter Xanthi.

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