Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Day 3 and who knows where we will end up. As was said yesterday, we’re heading home but how we get there is anybody’s guess.

We de-camped and set off ‘that-a-way’ towards Kununurra along the Victoria Highway.

Part of our ‘plan’ was to take a side trip to Lake Argyle, having heard so much about this place.

This was by far one of the better decisions we have made; the place is out of this world. Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Unfortunately the lake sailing trips weren’t available today so we had to give it a miss. Without doubt though this is one of those places we will come back to for an extended visit.

Not long after our departure we arrived at the WA and NT border. Yeah! Home ground after more than 6 months away.

Maybe I am feeling a little homesick after all.

After a brief drive we came to the Victoria River and, after lunch had yet more stressful driving before reaching Kununurra! We stopped here to get some provisions. And then left!

What can I say about Kununurra? Hello! Goodbye!

Hey, there were a few ‘locals’ eyeing off the wheels of the motorhome! Next stop!

We quickly departed and continued on to Warmun (also known as Turkey Creek) where we found a very pleasant campground.

Considering the temperatures here are still in the high thirties (38.5 today), very humid and dropping to only around 28 at night we are still using campsites for the power supply and the beautiful air-conditioning.

Tomorrow we’re off to ……………………………. ?

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